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Kristal fare awards

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1Kristal fare awards Empty Kristal fare awards Sun May 04, 2014 10:50 am



Pozivam sve obožavaoce Tube Buyukustun(Murat nažalost nije među nominovanim) da glasaju za nju i njen projekat Kara para ask, kako bi našu omiljenu glumicu vidjeli na noći dodjele nagrada 10 juna, u Istanbulu.

I would like to invite all Tuba Buyukustun fans(unfortunately Murat isn't nominated) to vote for Tuba and her current project Kara para ask. With your efffort we can help our dearest actress to win awards on june 10. when awards ceremony will be held.

Instructions for votingUputstva za glasanje:

1. Click on the link/Kliknite na link koji slijedi here/ovdje

2. log in via fb or twitter account/ulogujte se putem svog fb ili twitter naloga

3. check fields en iyi kadin oyuncu/best actress next to Tuba and en iyi dizi/best series next to Kara para ask (you can check all fields you are interested in)/čekirajte polja en iyi kadin oyuncu/najbolja glumica poed Tube i en iyi dizi/najbolja serija pored Kara para ask. Možete ispuniti i ostala polja za koja ste zainteresovani

4. Vote/glasajte

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