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Tuba in KPA, reviews

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1Tuba in KPA, reviews Empty Tuba in KPA, reviews Sat May 03, 2014 1:55 pm



Zbog izuzetne glumačke vještine i duha koji je podarila liku Elif, dosadašnji najoštriji kritičari promijenili su mišljenje o Tubinoj glumi i izrazili divljenje onom što je pokazala u Kara para Ask do sada.(ne znam šta im je do sad smetalo, ali eto...)

Tuba in KPA, reviews 1896986_10152665412657729_632298703_n
Because of huge effort and acting skills showed with playing Elif's character, Tuba's bigest reviewers changed their opinion about her's style of acting. Now they describe her acting as very profffesional and they noticed huge changes, positive changes in her acting. (must say that I really don't understand what bothered them earlier...)



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